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Good Game

My game keeps crashing does anyone have any ideas why?


This game is really good, it has deep to it with all the research mechanics and the unlockable towers. The waves are fun to keep fight and the world is beautiful. Good job!

For the rest of you out there reading this, come and watch me play the game, it will give you an idea of how the game works, also, you will be hearing my awesome voice ;3

(1 edit) (+1)

Really nice game. The graphics look really good and the gameply is entertaining.

GJ, but sometimes the wave is stuck

Thanks. This is a known bug that unfortunately cannot yet be addressed because our programmers are currently unavailable to work on the game.


It does not work for me when i open it. There is no audio and i cannot press any buttons. My OS is windows 10, i have a GTX 1060, 12 GB of RAM, and that's about all i know. I also tried extracting the files out of the zip, but that did not work either.



it was a lot of fun to play! Here is a video I made on it. 


dude this is just awesome love everything

is there anyway to download this on a chromebook?


Unfortunately, the game will only run on Windows and Mac machines.

okay thanks!


is it allowed to download in windows 7 ultimate?

(1 edit)

I am pretty sure you will be able to get the game on Windows 7 if you have the system requirements (processor, space (2 GB for the best) etc.)


Dude this is awesome. How long did it take to make it?


We took roughly seven months to make the game. You can read up more about how it came to be in the Postmortem :)

(1 edit) (+5)

A surprisingly slick and fun game. I'm impressed and pleased! Only one real hang-up so far for me: On the Paused menu The Save & Quit option does nothing.  However Alt+F4 works fine as the game will thereafter work  where one has left off. Magic! So why am I complaining?  Thanks loads Gendly!!

CORRECTION (01/12/20)... The Alt+F4 suggestion above does NOT always work ... Furthermore, as of 2 days ago the Save & Quit option DOES work. Either I was messing something up or Gendly has gently :-) snuck in a bug fix.

PS - Some of the other comments re adding complexity/variety deserve consideration.


Fun game, thanks for the experience :)

Thanks for playing and uploading your playthrough!


love the game, gives the player an epic experience. I've also played Clash of Clans on mobile and I've been seeking a game like it on pc for so long, thankss :)

Bug rep: A tower next to my Longhouse didn't attack a balloon when they were attacking the base.

(3 edits) (+1)

It was nice graphically, but balance was weird. I ended up finishing the game using only 2 type of tower.

Also the button "end game" for the last campaign was buggy (no effect, got stuck there).

Also the freeplay has no real interest and I didn't find any way to "surrend" such a game, I had to let the IA kill me. Slowly. Sooo slowly.

Thank you for the feedback!

(6 edits) (+1)

M'well and gameplay wise, I'd suggest to find some more dynamic mechanic.

I don't know, maybe special ennemies vulnerable to only a certain type of turret ? Maybe a "warning" with a direction indicator when a building is attacked also.

Well there is something missing I think it wouldn't be enough in itself. I played the whole game just circling around the base to populate/depopulate the towers. Was funny for 10 minute, then it was only because I wanted to end the game - but it was a bit boring. Despite the graphism looking cool 'n all.

By boring I don't mean "easy", but it's more like... Repetitive much ? I had not to make any strategy to win.

Maybe I'd make turret upgrade more important, remove the fact they can be populated or not ; and make the game about good tower placement and eco priority to get certains upgrade or turrets at good timings ? I don't know.

Deleted 3 years ago

Great game and the graphics are great! The only problem I had with it was that it is a bit slow, so far the only way to "speed it up" is pressing the "Send more enemies" button, but if your quest is too get more materials, more people, ect. pressing the button will slow you down instead of speeding you up, and when you die in a long run its annoying. I would recommend making something that can change the speed of everything, like sims 4 does.
I hope you consider this.


this is a very good looking Game. I enjoyed it!


I have intel Pentium Silver, and the game won't load. What is happening? 


If your specs are too much lower than what is detailed above, there's no guarantee that the game will work well, unfortunately.


Ok. I have started playing on another laptop and I can say this game is spectacular! Keep up the good work!


Looking great 🙂🙂


Awesome game, thanks

Glad you enjoyed it :D


On my game, the animation lags behind making copies of itself just like the one glitch in Super Mario Maker 2. It seems like the coolest game ever but this one glitch makes it unplayable.


Hey, thanks for letting us know. Could you please describe the issue in more detail?


It may just be my computer but this is basically what happens. I started up the game after extracting the files, just as with any other game. The credits appeared, before the Longhaus screen appeared. The word Longhaus appeared normal at first but when it moved backwards it left copies of the same word on the screen. Another thing on the starting menu is the buttons, they all seem to have been lagged out or whatever you might call this image glitch as well. They were unreadable, being only tan highlighting. i clicked on what I assumed was the play button and the entire menu screen stayed behind so I couldn't see the map of the overworld. To put it simply, when an image appeared, it stayed there but still moved creating multiple copies in whichever places it moved. I hope this was a decent explanation, I am not the best at explaining things. Hopefully you might know what is going on because this game seems like the type that I am into, so I really want to play it. Thank you for acknowledging me anyway, -DarkCamoIndigo (Thanks! :))


Very good game. Great job!


Great game with lots of potential! I really enjoy the atmosphere and menus, but I think the game play could be a bit more difficult. Once you are in a good position there is not much to do on an island. Perhaps some further complication for the economy or some kind of research system to keep one busy? Good work regardless


That's a very valid sentiment that we've seen echoed multiple times. Our game has experienced a level of attention we haven't anticipated so making some major improvements to gameplay is now on the table.


Hi there !

Great work on Longhaus, everything is great !

The music is wonderful and goes really well with the game graphics and vibes.

The UI and it's animations are a pure delight to navigate trough.

The gameplay itself is really chill and enjoyable, but perhaps a bit too passive and easy ? I found out to have a lot of waiting time.

Maybe another parallel activity to keep the player active and make the gameplay not too repetitive ?

Also, maybe a "move forward" feature would be nice to shorten the waiting times.

The design of your game is really cool, i like how you took time to animate the workers and fighters.

Good job overall, keep going as it only needs more content, everything else is perfect !

dose not work with windows 7 

Well, it's not their fault you're using an OS from 2009.

(1 edit)

It's not their fault, but it is their problem (if they want a larger playerbase). Windows 7 is, to my knowledge, still a fairly popular OS, so it's a good idea to support it.

If someone reports a problem, don't just tell them "it's not their fault that you are doing/using X". (I will admit "dose not work with windows 7 " is not very helpful, but still)

EDIT: To clarify, they don't have to add support for windows 7. I just don't think your reply was very helpful.


Awsome game! Keep up the good work!


this game is simple but really fun! I’ve been playing for about an hour now and I only stopped to get a drink. 

Idea for update: add traps that could be laid on buildings or free tiles that only work once then need to be repaired. Bomb trap could explode when walked over and building trap explodes if an enemy destroys it (could be used as a decoy base)

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you! Traps were definitely one of the things that we considered adding ;) Something we may revisit if everyone in the team agrees...


Is this like dwarf fortress, not in complexity but in the way of developing and controlling a group of people?

(1 edit) (+1)

You're perfectly right about our game not being as complex as DF (very few games can surpass it in that regard). In terms of controlling people, you get to choose how many villagers work in specific buildings, affecting their efficiency.


Ok, thank you for your response I will download your game and review it if I enjoy it!


I really enjoyed playing it, it should be avalible at 9:30PM :D

This looks so cool! Are you planning to support Linux with it?

We may, since you've asked, we'll probably bump this up on the priority list.


Sweet, feel free to reach out to me on if you do :)

The game crashes immediately for me. Oh, I wanted to play so much :(

Hey sorry about that :( Could you please tell me the specs of your system?


I love everything about this game. I'm always looking for RTS and can't find many, I'm so happy to try this one.


Thank you :D We're really happy to see people enjoying our little game.


At the moment, this game is only available in English. However, if anyone is interested in helping to localise it, we'd we thrilled!


ok wow i have also created a tower defense game but this game is just stunning and i have loved every second of it. good job man :)

Oh that's awesome! I did see your game floating around, perhaps its time to give it a go?


for any of you who are confused on whhy the game isnt loading for me it just takes longer than expected


J'ai adoré ce jeu!
Il est gratuit, super beau, un gameplay simple et efficace.
Une vraie merveille, vous pouvez le tester les yeux fermés!
Bravo à l'équipe, vous en avez fait une merveille! Félicitations!
J'en ai fait un test sur mon blog, si vous voulez le lire, c'est ici:

I loved this game!
It's free, beautiful, simple but effective gameplay.
You can test it without any hesitation!
Congratulations to the team!
I made a test on my blog, if you want to read it, it's here (in french):


Merci beaucoup ! Thank you for writing that, it's much appreciated


You're welcome! Thanks for this brillant game! :D


This game was great! Love rts games, and tower defense games so this was a nice experience =) gonna definitely leave a follow and hope to see more! Please lemme know when more is to come so I do not miss it =D


Thank you for playing :D


Always a pleasure =) May have to do a part 2 since I didnt hit the other towers TBH

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